About the Author

My name is Pamela Fransen-Taylor and I am a part-time PhD candidate at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).  I have a Bachelor of Applied Science (Information Studies) and a Master of Arts (Information and Knowledge Management) also from UTS.  My research interests are in social media use as a form of information behaviour as well as social justice, social capital, and cultural narratives.  In particular I am exploring the opportunities social media provide everyday people to have a voice.  A voice that would otherwise not have been expressed or heard.

These are not the voices of Social Media celebrities who have embraced the internet and social technology as tools to market themselves and build their brands but rather normal citizens who start or take part in conversations they deem significant to themselves and to society.

This blog has been created to support my research activities and will document a journey and provide a place to pause and reflect along the way.   I look forward to posting about this journey, wherever it may lead and if you feel you would like to, please join in along the way.